How I can help you:
You Can!
High School

How to Homeschool High School Parent Support Group
High School Home Room Student Parent Support Group
High School Records Resources advice
Parent Webinars & Trainings
Tutoring All Ages and Stages Tutoring

Do you want your child to get ahead on the next school year?
Do you suspect dyslexia or another reading concern?
Individual and group tutoring for all students.
K-5 All Subjects
6-12 Reading, Writing, Study Skills, and more.
All Ages
Individual or Group
Online or In Person
Call or email for scheduling
Owls & Acorns
Online Courses

High School:
English 9/10
English 11/12
Intro to Psychology
Hands on History
Art Exploration
Middle School:
Middle School English
Hands on History
Art Exploration
Monday Funday Summer Novel Exploration

Join us for fun, hands-on learning activities and outings each Monday this Summer
Junior High (10years and up) and High School Class
Optional Activities and outings such as parties, BBQs, Ice Rink, Waterpark and more.
Mondays from 10-2 (times may vary depending on outings)
June 12- July 31 excluding the week of the 4th of July.
Wrightwood, CA
Middle/High School
Middle and High School
Middle School Book- The Hatchet
High School Book- Lord of the Flies
Parents Welcome to stay
Owls & Acorns
Homeschool Academy

High School:
English 9/10
English 11/12
Intro to Psychology
Hands on History
Art Exploration
Middle School:
Middle School English
Hands on History
Art Exploration
Phelan, CA-
High School
Middle School
In Person- Wrightwood, CA